Million Dollar Baby Scene 2 Summary

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

  • It's a bright, sunny day in Los Angeles, and Frankie's coming out of church, shooting the breeze with the priest, Fr. Horvak. Okay, less like shooting the breeze, and more like blatantly antagonizing.
  • Frankie peppers Fr. Horvak with questions, feigning ignorance about how the Catholic trinity works. When he makes an analogy comparing Father, Son, and & Holy Ghost to Snap, Crackle, & Pop – a.k.a. the Rice Krispies mascots. Fr. Horvak has had enough.
  • Fr. Horvak asks Frankie if he's written his daughter. Frankie says yes, and Fr. Horvak chastises him for lying.
  • He also encourages Frankie to take the day off from mass tomorrow. So Frankie goes to mass everyday? That's a lot of communion wafers.