Million Dollar Baby Scene 19 Summary

Frankie Asks Father Horvak a Real Question for Once

  • Frankie wakes up to a phone call in the middle of the night. It's the hospital. Maggie bit her tongue intentionally, hoping she'd bleed to death.
  • Frankie rushes to the hospital. Maggie almost bleeds out. The nurses have to sedate her.
  • As soon she gets stitched up, Maggie rips them out again. The nurses stitch her up once more, and pad her tongue.
  • Cut to Frankie at church. Fr. Horvak tells him he can't help Maggie end her life.
  • Frankie tearfully explains how stubborn Maggie is, and how he doesn't know what to do. She wants to die; he just wants to keep her with him.
  • Here's the thing, Frankie says: He knows it's a sin to kill her, but he also feels it's a sin to keep her alive against her will.
  • Fr. Horvak tells Frankie to let God handle it. Frankie says Maggie's not asking for God's help; she's asking for his. He's kind of got a point there.
  • Fr. Horvak tells Frankie that if he does it, he'll be lost somewhere so deep he'll never find himself again. Whoa. Then the priest leaves. Horvak… out.