Million Dollar Baby Scene 18 Summary

I Remember Axel

  • Maggie's leg looks bad. Really bad. As Frankie listens, the doctor says she might have to lose it. Ulp.
  • Frankie comes home to find another letter to his daughter returned unopened. He breathes the heaviest breath in the history of breathing.
  • Cut to Frankie waiting in Maggie's room. When she reappears, she's lost the leg. She's heavily sedated. Frankie tells her everything's going to be okay and kisses her on the cheek.
  • It's nighttime. Frankie sits on the edge of Maggie's bed, reading. She wants to know what "Mo Cuishle" means.
  • Frankie teases her, saying that, since she didn't win the fight, he doesn't have to tell her. She smiles and says he reminds her of her dad.
  • Frankie suggests that Maggie go back to school. He'll buy her a wheelchair that she can operate by blowing into a straw. He's got a course catalog and everything.
  • Maggie says she has a favor to ask. Remember that story she told him about her dad taking the dog out to the woods? She wants Frankie to help her end her life.
  • Frankie says he can't and begs her not to ask him. Dang.
  • It's a bittersweet callback to his "rules for me training you" speech he gave her back when he first agreed to train her and didn't want her to ask him any questions.
  • Maggie persists. Frankie says he can't.