Midnight's Children Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Test-and hysterectomized, the children of midnight were denied the possibility of reproducing themselves... but that was only a side-effect, because they were truly extraordinary doctors, and they drained us of more than that: hope, too, was excised, and I don't know how it was done[...]gone forever, the possibilities of flight and lycanthropy and the originally-one-thousand-and-one marvellous promises of a numinous midnight. (3.29.66)

Why does sterilizing the midnight's children also mean that they lose their powers and hope?

Quote #11

[...] I laughed because Shiva, destroyer of the midnight children, had also fulfilled the other role lurking in his name, the function of Shiva-lingam, of Shiva-the-procreator, so that at this very moment, in the boudoirs and hovels of the nation, a new generation of children, begotten by midnight's darkest child, was being raised towards the future. (3.29.77)

What does Shiva's legacy mean for the midnight's children? Why does Saleem think it's so funny?