Midnight's Children Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She came to feel a deep affection for the question marks of his ears; [...] but, try as she might (and as I'm giving her the benefit of my doubts I shall offer no possible reasons here), there was one part of him which she never managed to love, although it was the one thing he possessed, in full working order, which Nadir Khan had certainly lacked; on those nights when he heaved himself up on top of her-when the baby in her womb was no bigger than a frog-it was just no good at all. (1.6.37)

Alarm! A not impotent man! Ahmed is Shiva's biological dad, so of course he is totally fertile.

Quote #5

Such things happen; after the State froze my father's assets, my mother began to feel them growing colder and colder. On the first day, the Brass Monkey was conceived-just in time, because after that, although Amina lay every night with her husband to warm him, although she snuggled up tightly when she felt him shiver as the icy fingers of rage and powerlessness spread upwards from his loins, she could no longer bear to stretch out her hand and touch because his little cubes of ice had become too frigid to hold. (2.9.57)

The great freeze, which we're sure that you remember, was when all of the Sinai's assets were frozen. It's appropriate that Ahmed's testicles are also frozen, since it's his duty as a man to financially support the family.

Quote #6

And her hands are moving. Lost in their memory of other days, of what happened after games of hit-the-spittoon in an Agra cellar, they flutter gladly at her cheeks; they hold her bosom tighter than any brassieres; and now they caress her bare midriff, they stray below decks... yes, this is what we used to do, my love, it was enough, enough for me, even though my father made us, and you ran, and now the telephone, Nadirnadirnadirnadirnadirnadir... hands which held telephone now hold flesh, while in another place what does another hand do? To what, after replacing receiver, is another hand getting up? (2.11.38)

So yeah, nobody wants to burst in on their mom masturbating, but it happened. We just wanted to point out that this seems to be the only sexual scene where the woman is enjoying herself. And she's alone.