Religion Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Fix that church, like you promised," said Tessie. (3.6.113)

Tessie constantly reminds Milton of his promise to fix the church in Greece, but he never does. Could his negligence have actually caused any of the bad things that happen to the Stephanides family, or is this belief a load of hooey?

Quote #8

"Why do you have to paint a church?" (3.8.37)

Ah, it seems that the family's religious beliefs (or at least the most superstitious ones) have been passed down from mother to father to daughter. Do you think Cal will ever get around to fixing that god darn church?

Quote #9

Was there really a God after all, and did He punish people on Earth? These Old World superstitions had been banished from my mother's conscious mind, but they still operated in her dreams. (4.1.199)

It's interesting how Tessie cannot forget her orthodox upbringing when she's sleeping. The harshest of her religious beliefs come out late at night. We must have gone to the Church of No Pants as a kid, because we keep having that dream…