Religion Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Yeah, sure," my father said when he got the letter. "St. Christopher to the rescue." (2.5.56)

Milton thinks that his mother's belief in saints is a crock of poo, but an event that can only be described as a deus ex machina ends up sparing him from battle. Could there be something in his mother's belief?

Quote #5

"They let you in for free. Then you gotta pay for the rest of your life." (3.1.21)

Milton's views on religion, especially Greek Orthodoxy, aren't exactly sunny. Does he have a point, or is his viewpoint a little skewed? Is dedication to religion the same as "paying" for it?

Quote #6

In order to be reborn, you have to be buried first, so under the water I went. (3.1.24)

Baptism as a symbol of rebirth is a recurring theme in Cal's life. Here, he's talking about a literal baptism, but near the end of the book he gets baptized again, in a way, in the strange underwater sex show that he becomes a part of.