Love Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I had the Obscure Object in my arms. (3.6.166)

You've heard that love knows no bounds. Well, it clearly doesn't in Cal's case. Not only does love transcend death, love comes from death in this case. The love between the Object and Cal might never have happened if Maxine Grossinger hadn't dropped dead suddenly during the performance of Antigone.

Quote #8

I was in love. Secretly, shamefully, not entirely consciously, but for all that quite head-over-heels in love. (3.8.19)

Right before this line, Cal talks about rising tensions in Turkey in Greece. How is a girl supposed to fall in love when her home country is at war? Well, it happened with Cal's parents, remember? All is kind of unfair in love and war, because love waits for no one.

Quote #9

I was only feigning squeamishness. In actuality I wouldn't have minded sharing the Object's toothbrush. I wouldn't have minded being the Object's toothbrush. (3.8.80)

Now that's love: willing to be someone's toothbrush. We guess being someone's toothbrush can't really be all that more intimate than a good ol' French kiss, can it?