Love Quotes in Middlesex

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Is there anything as incredible as the love story of your own parents? Anything as hard to grasp as the fact that those two over-the-hill players, permanently on the disabled list, were once in the starting lineup? (2.5.56)

Face it, kids: Chances are decent your parents once loved each other, if only for a moment. What was their story? We want to know, and not just because we're filthy gossips, we swear. But really, tell us all the deets.

Quote #5

Tessie couldn't concentrate. She kept thinking that if something happened to Milton, if he was wounded or, God forbid, if he didn't come back—she would be somehow to blame. (2.6.48)

Is this love that she's feeling? Or is she feeling guilt over what she did to Milton? Are they two halves of the same coin?

Quote #6

The Obscure Object and I met unawares, however, in blissful ignorance. (3.7.5)

We're not sure if Cal ever admits that he loves the Obscure Object, but he totally does. That's the thing about love: it creeps up when Cal least expects it.