Identity Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Back in my tipsy house on the sea cliffs, I'd been Sakamoto Chiyo. Now my name was Nitta Sayuri. (24.11)

The name change has completely eradicated her past identity and replaced it with something else. Do you think Sayuri is different than Chiyo? Or are they the same girl in different makeup?

Quote #8

I sometimes lift the brocade cover on the mirror of my makeup stand, and have the briefest flicker of a thought that I may find her there in the glass, smirking at me. (27.101)

Sayuri fears that she has become like Hatsumomo. Considering she and Mameha teamed up to drive Hatsumomo crazy and get her kicked out of Gion—which is exactly what Hatsumomo tried to do to Sayuri—we think she is right to feel this way.

Quote #9

"Do you mean to say you could consider giving yourself to a man like the Minister? Don't you feel there's right and wrong in this world, and good and bad? Or have you spent too much of your life in Gion?" (32.86)

This quote recalls a few prior quotes: the brainwashing quote, the one about being vs. becoming a geisha, and the quote about certain situations turning a person mean. But here we see that living in Gion for so long has made Sayuri a geisha through and through, using her sexuality as currency.