Family Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Every day I lived with the Arashino family, I felt myself more in Nobu's debt. (29.1)

Sayuri lives with another family, not counting the geisha "family," twice: as a child with Mr. Tanaka's family, and as an adult with the Arashino family. Both times, she is only a guest, not a part of the family, and her stay is only temporary.

Quote #8

The Chairman wanted me out of Gion to keep me out of sight of Nobu, but he certainly wasn't going to marry me; he was already married. (35.5)

Even though Sayuri tells us flat-out that men don't marry geisha, she never once mentions the Chairman's marital status until now. Does this revelation, even though it isn't unexpected, change your opinion of the Chairman and his relationship with Sayuri?

Quote #9

As to the question of whether or not I really had given birth to a son of the Chairman's…if I had, I'd certainly be reluctant to talk too much about him, for fear that his identity might become publicly known. […] The best course, I feel, is to say nothing at all; I'm sure you will understand. (35.18)

As we said, it's tragic that a geisha can never have a family of her own, but it's heavily implied here that she had the Chairman's child. But because she is a geisha, she is forbidden to talk about her own son. Once again, the concept of family is ever elusive for a geisha.