Competition Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She can't bear to have rivals," Mameha went on. "That's the reason she treats you as she does." (10.57)

Chiyo never could even imagine that she would be a rival to the great Hatsumomo, mainly because Hatsumomo makes her feel like garbage. She doesn't have enough self-worth to consider herself a rival.

Quote #5

Mameha must have made up her mind to use me in seeking her revenge on Hatsumomo. (10.86)

Mameha and Hatsumomo are like two queens on opposite side of the chessboard, and both use Chiyo/Sayuri as a pawn. To continue the chess metaphor, a pawn is always capable of becoming a queen herself, which Sayuri does.

Quote #6

"I had no idea what a fine day this would be," [Mother] said. "This morning when I woke up, two useless girls were living in the okiya. Now they'll be fighting it out…and with a couple of the most prominent geisha in Gion ushering them along!" (11.100)

Mother is thrilled because she knows that the two geisha will work extra hard to best one another, which means more money—and an even bigger cut for her.