Coming of Age Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I thought Sayuri was a lovely name, but it felt strange not to be known as Chiyo any longer. (14.21)

Sayuri is basically Chiyo's adult name, but haven't we all experience a similar feeling— that it feels strange to be growing up?

Quote #8

"A woman's cave is particularly special to a man if no other eel has ever been in it before. Do you understand? We call this mizuage." (19.56)

Losing your virginity is a big part of any coming-of-age story, but Memoirs of a Geisha cranks up the discomfort on this often-awkward event by auctioning off Sayuri's virginity to the highest bidder.

Quote #9

It's strange and very hard to explain, but the world looked different to me after mizuage. Pumpkin, who hadn't yet had hers, now seemed inexperienced and childlike to me somehow, even though she was older. (24.33)

Some people feel cocky after losing their virginity, as if the world is different and they are somehow more mature than others. Sayuri is one of these people.