Appearances Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The contrast with [Hatsumomo's] friend Korin was like comparing a rock along the roadside with a jewel. (6.55)

Here again we see an unattractive geisha, and the more attractive of the pair, Hatsumomo, is the more successful one. Looks may not be absolutely necessary for a geisha, but they are a very nice benefit.

Quote #5

Every young geisha may be proud of her hairstyle at first, but she comes to hate it within three or four days. (14.12)

The geisha sure look pretty, but Sayuri describes them in a way that starts to seem gross, like how they won't wash their hair for days and days. A geisha's motto might as well be that looks are deceiving.

Quote #6

"Here's a case where the name and the girl go together. I believe she may be even prettier than you, Mameha!" (17.33)

To Mameha's credit, she doesn't get jealous. If someone said this to Hatsumomo about Sayuri, she'd be steamed.