Marty Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Marty.

Quote #10

JOE: I wonder where they find those girls that pose for them pictures.

LEO: Those are Hollywood starlets.

For the men in this movie, there are women in your family (moms, sisters) and women you know from the neighborhood, some of whom you'd like to date. And then there are the sex objects, who maybe don't seem to have families or expectations beyond modeling at all?

Quote #11

JOE: I always figure a guy oughta marry a girl who's twenty years younger than he is so that when he's forty, his wife is a real nice-looking doll.

LEO: That means he'd have to marry the girl when she was one year old.

We'd only heard that "half your age plus seven" rule, but, um, that's some theory you got, Joe.