Marty Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Marty.

Quote #4

MARTY: My boss wants to sell his shop to me. His kids are all married, you know, and he and his wife live alone, and they wanna move out to California where his daughter lives, so he wants to sell his shop.

In Marty, as a person gets older, they seem to have to make room for the young kids coming up.

Quote #5

CATHERINE: I got pains in my shoulder too. I have a pain in my hip, and my right arm aches so much I can't sleep. It's a curse to be old. How you feel?

Is it just us, or do you get the feeling that Catherine would be straight-up offended if her sister said that she was feeling right as rain?

Quote #6

CATHERINE: So I am an old garbage bag, put in the street.

Not just any garbage bag. An old one. Useless, and old, and abandoned. In this movie, age certainly seems to go along with loneliness, doesn't it?