Race Quotes in Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I don't know what it's like where you come from, but we try to keep things nice and genteel around here." (5.78)

This statement by a shop clerk basically amounts to her saying "you people" to Amina. No wonder Amina gets offended.

Quote #5

"I say we should talk to Mrs. Ali, the lady who runs the village shop in Edgecombe," said Alma.

"Perhaps she could cater some Indian specialties for us, or direct us to where we can buy or borrow some cheap props—like some of those statues with all the arms." (6.71)

Alma thinks of important gods in the Hindu religion as "cheap props." What she really shows here is her ignorance of Hindu culture, but that doesn't mean what she says isn't racist.

Quote #6

Regardless of [Mrs. Khan's] husband's prominence, or their generosity, [the Major] thought it quite unlikely that Daisy or the membership committee would have any interest in entertaining the question of their joining the club. (9.105)

The subtext here, barely below the surface, is that Mrs. Khan will not get to join the club because he and his family are not white.