Literature and Writing Quotes in Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I wanted so much to share with him the world of books and of ideas and to pass on to him what I was given." (5.54)

Mrs. Ali is talking about Abdul Wahid here, but it seems she wasn't able to actually impart her love of books to him. She sees that as a personal failing. The Major doesn't seem like he made Roger feel as passionate about reading either, so they have this in common.

Quote #5

"You are right, of course, but I tell myself that it does not matter what one reads—favorite authors, particular themes—as long as we read something. It is not even important to own the books." (5.64)

This statement explains Mrs. Ali's love of libraries. While she also loved her father's personal library, she has had to come to terms with losing it. Now she is happy possessing a book even if it's only temporarily.

Quote #6

Mrs. Ali had marked many pages with tiny clips of orange paper and, after some prompting from him, she had agreed to read from the fragments that interested her. (8.67)

Mrs. Ali isn't just a reader—she's a close reader, marking her favorite passages. And since these are library books, she isn't writing in them, either. She respects the book. We're falling in love with her, too.