Madame Bovary Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph). We used Lowell Bair's translation.

Quote #10

[Léon’s] soul was carried away by her sweet words and kisses. Where had she learned that depravity, so profound and so artfully concealed that it was almost intangible? (III.5.107)

Again, we see how well Emma hides her inner state with her beautiful exterior – this juxtaposition grows more and more menacing.

Quote #11

She looked extraordinarily beautiful to him, and majestic as a phantom; without understanding what she wanted, he had a foreboding of something terrible. (III.8.28)

Emma’s beauty, heightened by her desperation, gives her a menacing power over Justin; again, we see her appearance impact those around her with an astonishing strength.