Madame Bovary Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph). We used Lowell Bair's translation.

Quote #4

"She’s very nice, that wife of the doctor’s," [Rodolphe] was saying to himself. "Beautiful teeth, black eyes, dainty feet, and graceful as a Parisian. How the devil did she get here? How did such a clumsy oaf ever get a wife like that?" (II.7.33)

Emma’s looks are enough to make Rodolphe think she’s out of place married to Charles in a place like Yonville – we see the power of her beauty here.

Quote #5

[Rodolphe] was dressed with that incongruous mixture of casualness and refinement which the common people regard as evidence of an eccentric life, tumultuous passions, artistic aspirations, and always a certain contempt for social convention, which either fascinates or exasperates them. (II.8.25)

Rodolphe’s contrived appearance, a combination of wealth, eccentricity, and calculated style, immediately sets him apart from the "common people."

Quote #6

[…] when she saw herself in the mirror she was amazed by the way her face looked. Never before had her eyes been so big, so dark, so deep. She was transfigured by something subtle spread over her whole body. (II.9.57)

Emma’s affair with Rodolphe seems to completely possess her body, and somehow transform it.