Time Quotes in The Lovely Bones

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Woosh and you can start over again. Or was life more like the horrible game in gym that has you running from one side of an enclosed space to another, picking up and setting down wooden blocks without end? (16: Snapshots.73)

Abigail's vision of what life might be about, sound a lot like Sisyphusian Hades (Sisyphus being the guy who has to keep rolling the boulder up the hill for all eternity). What do you think Abigail's vision of life looks like at the point we leave her in the book?

Quote #8

He saw me standing under the rustic colonial clock and stared. He was drinking champagne. There were strings coming out from all around me, reaching out, waving in the air. (17.103)

Aha! Clocks and time go together like ticks and tocks. Susie even describes herself as resembling a clock, with funny wavy arms, like her funny wavy conception of time.

Quote #9

Let go. Let go. Let go. (18.75)

This is what Jack Salmon hears before he has his heart attack, when Buckley begs him to forget Susie. Where does the voice come from? Is it Susie? Is it something within Jack?