Jack Salmon Quotes

Jack Salmon

Quote 1

"Susie is dead," he said now, unable to make it fit in the rules of any game. (5.137)

Susie even cries in heaven when Jack is trying to explain Monopoly and Susie's death in one fell swoop. We wouldn't blame you if you cried too.

Jack Salmon

Quote 2

"Someone came in the room and then left. I think it was Susie." (20.81)

Jack always embraces ghost Susie. He sees her like she sees herself – as someone who lives somewhere else, but can still come back and visit. Abigail has a much more guarded attitude toward the whole ghost thing.

Jack Salmon

Quote 3

"So you would want to be able to get into his house?" (13.81)

We were really disturbed by Jack encouraging his daughter to break into Harvey's house to get evidence of his guilt. Since this is a book, and Lindsey is one of the daring heroes of it, we'll let it slide.