The Lovely Bones Chapter 1 Quotes

The Lovely Bones Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 4

He reached into the pocket of my parka and balled up the hat my mother had made me, smashing it into my mouth. The only sound I made after that was the weak tinkling of bells. (1.81)

Although this is not the most violent thing Harvey does (if we can weight these things against each other) it's extremely impactful. Seeing him shut off her breath and voice gives the reader a vivid sense of suffocation.

Quote 5

I felt huge and bloated. I felt like the sea in which he stood and pissed and shat. I felt the corners of my body were turning in on themselves and out […] (1.84)

Instead of the violence itself, we are seeing its impact on Susie in the moment. Her inner life has been, in a matter of moments, utterly transformed.

Quote 6

He had done this thing to me and I had lived. That was all. (1.90)

Susie has no illusions of continued life at this point. But, this sense of renewed life, of a moment of relief, is a powerful observation.