A Little Princess Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

So their visits were rare ones, and Sara lived a strange and lonely life. (10.1)

Even with her friends, Sara has a bleak social life. Her iPhone has no new messages. Her email inbox is empty. Her Facebook newsfeed is silent. Her … you get the idea. When most tween girls would be texting 200 messages a day, Sara is totally alone.

Quote #8

There had grown in her mind rather a strange feeling about Emily, who always sat and looked on at everything. It arose in one of her moments of great desolateness. (10.26)

True fact: dolls don't make good companions, because they can't talk back to you or commiserate or even give you a friendly pat on the back. Nice try, though. This passage really drives home how lonely Sara is.

Quote #9

As Sara looked toward him he looked toward her. The first thing she thought was that his dark face looked sorrowful and homesick. (11.6)

Sara is so lonesome that she will make friends with anyone, even the monkey from next door. And notice how she assigns the monkey the exact same feelings that she herself has: they're both foreign creatures living alone in a strange city.