A Little Princess Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She is like the others," she had thought. "She does not really want to talk to me. She knows no one does." (8.37)

It's pretty mean (and messed up) of all the other girls to start ignoring Sara once she's dressed poorly, but at least we find out that Ermengarde isn't going to be like that. So, that's one friend, at least.

Quote #5

Miss Minchin made it so easy that at last they scarcely saw each other at all. (8.40)

When Sara is at her lowest point, Miss Minchin makes it her special, personal goal to separate the little girl from her friends even more. Nice lady.

Quote #6

"It's a lonely place," she said. "Sometimes it's the loneliest place in the world." (9.38)

Even though Sara tries to keep a stiff upper lip (yes, very British of her), she still can't help admitting it sometimes—her situation is kind of a bummer.