A Little Princess Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I didn't want you to know," Sara said. "It would have made me feel like a street beggar. I know I look like a street beggar." (15.104)

For Ermengarde's sake, Sara keeps it together, even when her life is utterly depressing. She's like a leader putting on a brave face so her subjects don't panic.

Quote #8

The comfort and happiness she enjoyed were making her stronger, and she had them always to look forward to. (16.54)

Thanks to the magical elves who trick her room out at night, Sara can soldier on through her everyday life. It's a lot easier to be courageous when you're warm and well-fed; that's just biology.

Quote #9

"I –TRIED not to be anything else," she answered in a low voice—"even when I was coldest and hungriest—I tried not to be." (18.77)

It takes a whole lot of self-discipline to act as noble and princess-like as possible even when things are absolutely the pits. (Come on, don't you just want to give Sara a big hug at this point?)