A Little Princess Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I was thinking," she answered grandly and politely, "that you did not know what you were doing." (11.37)

It takes some guts to stand up to Miss Minchin, who punishes Sara with horrible things like not giving her anything to eat for whole days. But Sara has too much courage to lie.

Quote #5

"She is hungrier than I am," she said to herself. "She's starving." But her hand trembled when she put down the fourth bun. "I'm not starving," she said—and she put down the fifth. (13.58)

Talk about courage. Standing up to Miss Minchin is one thing, but actually giving away food that you could scarf down in a heartbeat—that's a totally different kind of courage.

Quote #6

"I always was a thin child," she said bravely," and I always had big green eyes." (15.73)

Sara doesn't want to admit to just how starved and miserable she is. Why? Maybe because saying it would make it true—like telling the wrong kind of story about herself.