Women and Femininity Quotes in Life After Life

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sylvie, although she never quite came out and said it, thought academia was pointless for girls. (20.245)

Sylvie thinks that women should be wives and mothers, and there's no room for formal education with either of those two positions. She seems to think this way only because she's supposed to at this time period in history. She's not a stupid woman. Being so well read, she should be more supportive of education—but maybe she knows she'd be happier in life if she were ignorant, and that's why she encourages ignorance in her daughters.

Quote #8

"And does Derek know you're not intact?" Sylvie asked. […]

"Intact?" Ursula echoed, staring at Sylvie in the mirror. What did that mean, that she was flawed? Or broken?

"One's maidenhood," Sylvie said. […] "For someone who is far from innocent you seem remarkably naïve." (20.454-456)

This is probably one of the nastiest things Sylvie says in the whole book, making Ursula believe that she is less of a person because she's not a virgin, and even worse, because she's a rape victim.

Quote #9

You couldn't necessarily judge a woman by the man she slept with. (Or could you?) (24.159)

People judge women by the men they sleep with all the time. And it happens in this era, too. Just look at Sylvie and Izzie.