The Left Hand of Darkness Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lacking the Karhidish "human pronoun" used for person in somer, I must say "he," for the same reasons as we used the masculine pronoun in referring to a transcendent god." (7.17)

Again with the pronouns? But the masculine pronoun really hides the truth of the Gethenians—that they are neither a he nor a she. Here, language just isn't up to the task of representing reality.

Quote #8

I write to be writing in my own language, perhaps. (11.11)

We all have our own language, we all use language like no one else. Think of it as a verbal fingerprint. While we're on the subject, try not to leave any verbal fingerprints at any verbal crime scenes, unless you can verbally lawyer up.

Quote #9

"Teach me your mindspeech," [Estraven] said, trying to speak easily and with no rancor, "your language that has no lies in it." (14.60)

Whatever. Give us a language, and we can find a way to lie in it. Still, we should point out that the act is more symbolic than anything. The two are learning to communicate on a level beyond the surface and so wouldn't want to lie to each other.