The Left Hand of Darkness Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But had Estraven, in fact, ever lied to me? (3.72)

Funny how slippery a thing language can be, isn't it? You'd think it would be easy to tell a false statement from a true one, but then again, that might take all the fun out of language.

Quote #5

"What good would that be? If the asker knew the answer he wouldn't pay our price for it." (5.51)

But, Faxe, buddy, what if the asker didn't know he knew the answer he already knows. Right? Sometimes we need people to tell us things, so we can realize how much we already know. (Better than realizing how much we don't know, anyway.)

Quote #6

Goss used the pronoun that designates a male animal, not the pronoun for a human being in the masculine role of kemmer. (5.63)

Just imagine if someone referred to you as "it," because that's what's going on here. Language can be used to hurt others or place one's self above others. And it can be done with something as seemingly simple as a pronoun. Crazy but true.