One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph). We used H.T. Willetts's translation.

Quote #7

(Shukhov had another reason for hurrying. They'd drawn only one plumb line from the tool store and he wanted to get hold of it before Kildigs.) (539)

Once again, Shukhov shows how competition happens even within a gang, which often operates like a family or at least a cooperative unit.

Quote #8

"Right, then!" Pavlo sprang up. A young man, with fresh blood in his veins. The camps hadn't knocked the stuffing out of him yet. [....] "If you're going to lay yourself, I'll make mortar. Let's see who gets most done." (543)

This is one of the very rare instances of friendly competition that we see in the book. Pavlo, young and energetic, is in many ways a foil for Buynovsky, who is also young and bold, but hasn't yet adapted to life in the camps.

Quote #9

But when the camp suddenly needed a bricklayer - Shukhov thought he might as well be one. If you can do two things with your hands, you'll soon pick up another ten. (597)

Shukhov's attitude here demonstrates how he's managed to stay ahead in the competitive world of the camps. He's very savvy and he always places himself in a position to do well. As a skilled worker, Shukhov gets a better food cut for supper, and he also helps to improve his mindset since he actually somewhat enjoys his work. It's better than hauling a wheelbarrow at any rate.