One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph). We used H.T. Willetts's translation.

Quote #4

Their places were grabbed immediately. Men hovered around the stove as though it was a woman they wanted to get their hands on. (402)

This scene, and the simile used here, really demonstrates how eager and desperate the men are for something as simple as warmth by a stove. (A simile, just so you know, is a comparison that uses "like" or "as.") _QUOTE_END_ _THOUGHT_START_

Quote #5

He also managed to get back to the table and to do a quick count - yes, they were all there, the neighbors hadn't got around to pinching any, though there was nothing to stop them. (446)

Shukhov here demonstrates how fierce competition in the camp is and how alert a prisoner has to be at all times. Someone is always trying to steal from someone else.

Quote #6

But he had to hurry, so that Pavlo would see him finish and would offer him the second portion. And then there was Fetyukov, who had arrived with the Estonians and had spotted him swiping the two bowls, and was now eating on his feet across the table from Pavlo, ogling the gang's four unallotted portions. (459)

Shukhov's thoughts here reveal how stressful camp life is. Even while eating, Shukhov has to plan and worry and position himself, literally, to beat out another gang member.