Loyalty Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I feel a flare of anger—how many things is [Tobias] going to keep from me? – and try to stifle it. Of course he couldn't tell me Uriah was Divergent. He was just respecting Uriah's privacy. It makes sense. (17.107)

Tris realizes something important here: just because Tobias is loyal to someone else (in this case by respecting Uriah's privacy and his faction rules), that doesn't mean that he is betraying Tris. She is not the only person in his life he has to be loyal to.

Quote #8

"It sort of defeats the purpose of being a spy if you tell everyone that's what you are." (19.34)

So, Zeke proves his loyalty by defecting to the other side and spying on them, which means that he's pretending to be loyal to someone else, but isn't. Is loyalty all about choosing sides?

Quote #9

"Don't you think someone with the aptitude for multiple factions might have a loyalty problem?" (19.104)

Is being Divergent pretty much exactly the same as being disloyal? Sure, Disloyal wouldn't be as catchy of a title for a book, but we do have to wonder what makes the Divergent different from all these people getting slapped with the label "traitor."