Loyalty Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The idea is so ridiculous to me that I half snort, half laugh. It can't be true. Except. Except: He never talked about his family or his childhood. (10.36-10.38)

At this point, Tris starts wondering just what her dad's loyalties were. Evelyn has told him that he used to eat lunch with Jeanine. Dining with the enemy?! What does that mean? Did he betray Abnegation?

Quote #5

"No matter how long you train someone to be brave, you never know if they are or not until something real happens." (14.66)

Cowardice is often cast as the opposite of bravery. In Insurgent, betrayal results from cowardice. People who aren't loyal to their factions are seen as cowardly traitors.

Quote #6

There are more Dauntless in the room, Dauntless without blue armbands—loyal Dauntless. My faction. (16.28)

If a faction is divided in two, is it really a faction anymore? Tris identifies herself as one of the loyal Dauntless, but aren't the "traitorous" Dauntless just loyal to someone else? Who makes the rules?