Family Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lynn is probably still by Shauna's bedside, hoping Shauna can move her legs when she wakes up again. Lynn can't lose Hector. (26.26)

Tris chooses to save Hector, Lynn's brother, instead of Marlene. Why does she do this? Does she do this because Tris has lost family of her own, and she knows how painful it is? Would Tris have made the same decision if her parents hadn't died?

Quote #8

"It is that simple. […] At what point did you betray our family? Before our parents died, or after?" (33.6)

Tris is not happy, to put it mildly, that Caleb has betrayed her. He says that he "did what [he] had to do" (33.7) Do you believe him? Should he have put his family first?

Quote #9

Evelyn puts one arm around Tobias and touches his face with the other, pressing her cheek to his. […] He smiles at her when he pulls away. Mother and son, reconciled. I am not sure it's wise. (36.90)

Why is Tris so averse to Tobias and Evelyn reconciling? Don't you think she would reconcile with her brother if given the chance? Or is family not as important to her as she acts like it is?