Family Quotes in Insurgent

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I thought I had gotten to the point where I didn't need my brother anymore, but I don't think such a point actually exists. (17.43)

Tris realizes that she will always need her family, and her brother is all she has left at this point. But we have to ask, just what does Tris need Caleb for? Emotional support or something else? Does he need her for the same reasons?

Quote #5

Tobias shoves Marcus to the ground and presses the heel of his shoe to his father's throat. (20.16)

Um, this isn't your typical kind of family argument. Tobias is basically demonstrating here that family doesn't really matter. He doesn't have to be loyal to his dad just because he's his dad. In fact, he can beat the snot out of his dad in public in order to make a statement about just how independent he is.

Quote #6

I have never thought about what it would be like to have a sister. Would Caleb and I be closer if he were a girl? (21.40)

We don't think so. Caleb actually seems protective of Tris, at least when it comes to Tobias. But hey, he still betrays her in the end. Would a sister have behaved the same way?