Women and Femininity Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I walked straight into it. You're some woman, all the same." (6.57)

Even the witnesses, like Mark the archeologist, are misogynistic. Mark seems to think that Cassie tricked him during her interrogation because she's a woman, not because she's a cop trying to get information.

Quote #8

O'Kelly made a few derisive comments about headaches being "womany shite." (11.82)

Yes, only women get headaches. Good thing you're in charge, O'Kelly.

Quote #9

"We'd always shared everything." (13.51)

The worst treatment of women comes from the teenage Jonathan Devlin and friends who view women as property to be passed around and used. They never once think that Sandra has thoughts and feelings of her own—she's just their instrument.