Women and Femininity Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We went through the predictable process where Quigley and a few of the others spent a while asking me whether I was shagging her and whether, if so, she was any good; once it dawned on them that I genuinely wasn't, they moved on to her probably dykehood. (1.72)

Not only are the male officers misogynistic, assuming that Rob and Cassie must be sleeping together (of course, we can't defend them once they do sleep together), they also turn homophobic in a way they wouldn't with a male officer. No one suspects Rob is gay because he doesn't sleep with Cassie; they suspect she is.

Quote #5

"No real man could actually be beaten by a little girl." (2.4)

Cassie is often very sarcastic about the prejudice she's subjected to from the males on the force, or in this case, from the male worms in the computer game Worms.

Quote #6

[O'Kelly] dislikes Cassie for a series of mind-numbingly predictable reasons—her sex, her clothes, her age, her semiheroic record—and the predictability bothers her far more than the dislike. (2.17)

We imagine her gender is at the top of O'Kelly's dislike list, and that he wouldn't dislike her for the other reasons if she were male. And it's funny how she hates him for hating her for such unoriginal reasons. Misogyny is so 1950s, dude.