Violence Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You know what that b**** needs, don't you?" Cathal said. (13.124)

Cathal thinks other men are like himself: violent and primal, and unable to control these urges, especially when it comes to women. If he didn't, he wouldn't so openly speak this way.

Quote #8

We decorated it as carefully as a stage set. Photos of Katy, alive and dead, spanning half a wall. (14.2)

Rob and Cassie use the violent contrast between life and death to manipulate interrogation suspects. It's hard not to be honest when confronted with the stark details of a violent crime.

Quote #9

I lunged at [Jonathan]. […] Cassie was on me already, grabbing my raised arm with both hands. "Jesus, Ryan! Stop!" (14.119)

Rob threatens Jonathan with force, but this time, he's serious—he and Cassie struggle, for real, and he ends up hurting her. Rob is unable to control his violent impulses when angry in this situation.