Violence Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The rape was post-mortem, and was performed using an implement of some kind." [Cooper] paused, discreetly enjoying the effect. (5.84)

Cooper, being the forensic examiner, has probably seen many more violent acts than this one, which to us, is horrifying. He's desensitized to it, though, and seems to relish shocking other people with graphic details.

Quote #5

[Sandra's] skirt was twisted up around her waist and there were huge rips all down her tights. (11.105)

Rob remembers this detail from Sandra's violent gang rape. The way Jonathan tells it, it almost seems quaint—holding down a girl and having sex with her. But Rob witnessed the violence of it, and recounts an image like this to illustrate how awful it was.

Quote #6

"Shane, only. Not that that makes it any better. I helped hold her." (13.63)

Jonathan was complicit in a gang rape when he was a teenager. Has he changed as an adult, or is this capacity for violence always a part of him?