The Supernatural Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Cassie] told me about a time when she was nine and convinced all the other local kids that a magic wolf lived in the hills near the village. (11.125)

This is something kids do: They pretend there are magical beasts around. But some kids actually believe it. Strangely, Rob and his friends never believed there was anything supernatural in the woods when they were kids. And interestingly, people seem to believe it more as adults.

Quote #8

Sandra says she never heard anything like it. Like an enormous bird flapping its wings, she said, only she's positive it was a voiced sound, a call. (12.70)

There are lots of strange supernatural details in the testimonies of the witnesses for the 1984 crime, and all of them are slightly different from others. Some hear laughter, while some hear animal noises, or voices.

Quote #9

The darkness in front of me was shifting, condensing. […] Somewhere across the clearing something breathed; something big. (14.102)

We're not sure if Rob is actually witnessing something supernatural here, or if he's caught in between his dream state and reality and all the witness testimony about something weird in the woods is getting into his subconscious.