The Supernatural Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The wine you spilled. […] A libation?" (6.73)

Mark takes the Knocknaree site very seriously, and his offering of red wine to the grounds treads a fine line between religion and belief in the supernatural.

Quote #5

There was something unnatural about them—the perfect parallels, the neat shallow arcs, a stark, implacable impossibility. (6.139)

No one can explain how Rob's t-shirt was cut. It doesn't seem like anything that could have been done by a person or a tree branch, though…

Quote #6

"All I'll say is that there's been something just a little off kilter about that place all along. […] Do you believe, my boy, that a place can have a will of its own—that it can rebel, so to speak, against human mismanagement?" (10.170)

And this is why the police always have to debunk supernatural rumors, because people like this guy, who is a journalist, believe that the place itself might be killing folks.