Memories and the Past Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wondered if […] all the answers we wanted were locked away behind the strange dark gateways of [Jessica's] mind. (9.290)

Memories don't mean a thing to anyone else if you can't express them, and Jessica, with whatever her disability is, cannot communicate what she thinks.

Quote #8

I started trying—for the first time, really—to remember what had happened in the wood. (10.50)

Rob treats memory, and retrieving memories from the woods of his brain, as some sort of skill. He has to practice how to remember, through a Zen-like meditation process. It's like a survival tactic.

Quote #9

It was the smell of it—a wistful blend of sandalwood and chamomile that went straight for my subconscious, setting memories flickering like fish in murky water. (10.104)

The sense of smell can be an incredible gateway to memory. Smelling the scents inside Jamie's house takes Rob back instantly to the time he spent there when he was a child.