Memories and the Past Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A hair clip. (2.74)

These three words, and this tiny object, conjure up a bunch of memories for Rob that he had forgotten. It's amazing how something so insignificant (something a young boy would hardly have noticed) brings so many memories flooding back.

Quote #5

"I wondered. Is that in the file, do you know, or do you just remember it?" (3.40)

Rob gets defensive about his memories when Cassie asks about them. He feels insecure that he can't remember such a major event in his life.

Quote #6

I had been bracing myself quite hard for this, actually. I think I'd had some vague idea that seeing the evidence would trigger a dramatic flash of memories; I hadn't exactly expected to end up in a fetal position on the basement floor. (6.138)

When Rob has a repressed memory resurface, it literally knocks him off his feet. Remembering for him isn't just mental, it can be almost physical, too.