Manipulation Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Hey, we all know what she needs," I said, "but would you want to get close enough to give it to her?" (13.125)

Rob mirrors Cathal's reprehensible misogyny in order to manipulate the guy into thinking Rob is an ally. He's being a "good cop" by basically pretending to be a rapist. Classy.

Quote #8

"They all believed him—all our classmates, all our mutual acquaintances, which added up to just about everyone I knew. People who were supposed to be my friends." (13.166)

Cassie's psychopathic college boyfriend is so good at ruining at her life because he doesn't just manipulate her, he fools all of her friends, thereby turning them against her, too.

Quote #9

"You head it up. He thinks of women as the source of sympathy and approval; I'll pat him on the head now and then. He's intimidated by men, so go easy: if you push him too hard, he'll freeze up and want to leave." (20.20)

Cassie is good at reading people, and she uses this skill during Damien's interrogation to coach Rob on exactly how to behave to the get the answers they need from Damien.