Manipulation Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[Rosalind] was sick of her dad bossing her around. I think maybe he hit her or something." (7.34)

Rosalind's cousin Valerie is telling the truth here, but she's only saying what Rosalind told her. Of course Rosalind would tell her that her dad hit her—she wants to manipulate people into thinking that she's abused at home.

Quote #5

"I guess I'm a bit scared of [Detective Maddox.] She's so aggressive." (9.96)

Rosalind wastes no time trying to subtly turn Rob against Cassie. The sad thing is that Rob is an adult, and Rosalind is only seventeen, yet it works. She has him wrapped around her little finger, and she continues to manipulate him during this entire conversation.

Quote #6

"We've both been having a hard time," Rosalind said sharply, "but one of us has to act like an adult instead of like a stupid little girl." (9.227)

Rosalind manipulates Jessica, her younger sister, too, but she's a little, um, less gentle with her tactics. If she's passive-aggressive with Rob, then she's aggressive-aggressive with her sister.