Jealousy Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sam had spent much of his life trundling happily along on sheer dumb luck, and I had a hard time working up much sympathy for the fact that he had finally stepped on a banana skin and gone flying. (18.41)

We have to wonder if Rob is jealous of Sam's innocence. Innocence isn't something Rob really ever had since almost getting murdered at twelve years old takes that away pretty quickly.

Quote #8

It didn't help that Peter and Jamie looked exactly like they always had: longer in the leg, all their baby teeth gone, but still slight and light and invincible as ever. (18.130)

Rob seems to be a little jealous here, that as he got older, he entered an awkward phase that his friends seem to have avoided.

Quote #9

"I'm aware of that. I can." (20.8)

Dude. Rob. Let it go and stop trying to pin this whole crime on Mark just because you don't like him and Cassie does. Heck, she doesn't even like him. She just doesn't think he killed and raped a twelve-year-old. There's a big difference.