Jealousy Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"[Mark's] motive is he's several hundred yards out of his tree. […] When it comes to this site, he's batty." (8.78)

We don't have the space, or the patience, to write Rob's whole rant on why Mark is guilty. It's almost entirely speculation derived from the jealousy he feels toward the man.

Quote #5

"Shane found out and wanted to play, too. Cathal was of course fine with this, but Sandra wasn't." (12.61)

Shane, Jonathan, and Cathal share everything. Note we said "thing." The problem is that they see women as things, so Shane expects Cathal to share Sandra, too—he's jealous that she sleeps with Jonathan and Cathal, but not him.

Quote #6

"She's never liked me very much, has she?" (17.53)

Rosalind pretends to be jealous of Cassie to gain sympathy from Rob, and to subtly turn Rob against his partner, especially when Cassie suggests that Rosalind might be a part of the murder.