Appearances Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

One of the photos—Rosalind's anguished, upturned profile, an unflattering shot of me with my mouth open—made it onto the front page of a tabloid the next morning. (9.15)

Police have to watch how they appear to the media. We're surprised this photos doesn't come back to bite Rob in the butt later on after Rosalind starts lying about their relationship.

Quote #8

"I still keep her bedroom the way she left it." (10.143)

By keeping things the same, Jamie's mother keeps her daughter alive. If she were to change the way her daughter's room looks, it would be like changing her memories of her daughter, or letting a piece of her go.

Quote #9

The year I was twelve, I was a big kid. […] I felt monstrous and lost: my own body had betrayed me. (18.130)

Rob looked different from the other kids his age, and it made him uncomfortable.