Appearances Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Damien] looked like the type who was accustomed to being taken care of by women. (3.54)

Rob is being a little judgmental in his initial assessment of Damien, but he's actually right in a roundabout way. Damien is this type, but it goes a little further; he's not just taken care of by women, he's manipulated by a young woman into doing her bidding.

Quote #5

"We were wary of them, but I think that was mainly because of their image, not because they ever did anything to us." (5.27)

It seems like we shouldn't judge a teenager by his t-shirt, but Devlin and his friends turn out to actually be reprehensible little snots, so the moral actually is not to trust anyone in a Metallica tee.

Quote #6

Katy Devlin was naked under the merciless fluorescent lights and too small for the table, and she looked somehow deader than she had the previous day. (5.67)

This is one of the saddest images of the novel, as the girl who was once a well-dressed dancer is now just a cut open corpse. Not that anyone should ever be murdered, but it's exceptionally gruesome when it's a child, which is why Rob notes that she appears "too small for the table."